Cure for Baldness in Panama
The Cure for Baldness in Panama it is possible if you booking a date in DHI. We can guarantee real and definitive results
When it comes to image maintenance, men have it relatively easy – or at least that’s the assumption of our wives and girlfriends.
We ignore the need for make-up, cellulite lotions and Brazilian waxes, while simultaneously sidestepping stubbly under-arms and feet crippled by stilettos.
However, thanks to the double-edged sword called life, we also have our own cross to bear in the name of aesthetics: namely hair loss and the search for baldness cures.
50 per cent of men will experience some degree of male pattern baldness by the time they’re fifty. And, for many, it’ll start far earlier than that, with some battling the condition in their late teens.
What exactly is the root of the problem?
Our testosterone is. As we age it changes into an androgen – a female sex hormone, called Dihydrotestosterone – which attacks the hair follicles like a poison.
This slowly kills the roots, causing hairs to weaken until they die.
Adding insult to injury, it happens randomly, there’s no cure and society tends to offer little sympathy – which is unfortunate considering many men find the process ‘devastating’.
Guide to what doesn’t work
Laser Caps/combs. These beams light onto your scalp
Herbal Supplements. These can help improve general hair health, but do nothing in terms of male pattern baldness and stopping the process of miniaturisation.
Caffeine shampoos. Although popular, there’s no proof these fight male-pattern baldness. They keep scalp clean but that’s about it.
Plan Cure for Baldness in Panama
Don’t rush into a procedure – or product – that promises a quick fix. Instead, be cool – stabilise the loss, maintain this with long-term topical treatments, then, if necessary, research transplant surgeons via The International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons or contact long-standing companies such as DHI Global in Panama.
The DHI Technique
Unlike biofibre transplants, direct hair implantation guarantees natural-looking results as the painless procedure consists of implanting the patients’ own follicles into their bald spots.
Another reason why your eyes would totally miss it is the level of precision and infinite meticulousness applied in performing the procedure, and the fact that it leaves no scars.
To have normal-looking results, the most important area is the hairline. Hair doesn’t grow at full density at the front of the scalp, it starts with rows of thin hair then the density increases.
This is very important in the DHI technique, so that you never know that this hair is implanted.”