Treatment for hair loss Panama
Treatment for hair loss Panama that will make you recover lost hair permanently and naturally. We can ensure a 97% effectiveness in the direct implant technique
What Hair Loss Treatment is the Best Option for you?
Hair loss sufferers will invariably do their homework in order to decide upon their best options for treatment. And where to get that treatment. But they must also become familiar with the criteria that can help them make an informed decision. This will empower hair loss sufferers not just to choose the best hair loss treatments, but also the medical organization to provide the optimum diagnosis and treatment plan.
The hair restoration industry has come a long way since the era of punch grafts and conventional surgery, where a strip of skin is removed from the back of the head in order to harvest hair follicles to transplant.
These procedures are now archaic and have been superseded by FUE (follicular unit extraction), Direct Hair Implantation, PRP, Scalp Micropigmentation, as well as new supportive natural products.
Education VS Information
Nowadays, there is an abundance of information available online for just about any subject. Hair loss/hair restoration is clearly no exception. Most hair loss sufferers spend less than an hour online typically checking a few web sites.
However treatment of hair loss is a very important decision. It should be an informed decision! The more time you spend educating yourself the better off you will be. Do your homework and do not rely on simple online information, which may or may not be accurate.
To support patient education, the DHI Medical Group in conjunction with the DHI Academy is now introducing Patient Education Programme which includes free online courses and educational webinars.
Find out more information here: http://dhiglobal.com/patient-education/
Our Services
DHI has a range of Hair Treatment services to suit your needs. All of these procedures are done in our state-of-art facility under the guidance of professional medical specialists
Unique Diagnostic System
At DHI Sri Lanka we believe that diagnosis is the basis for successful and permanent treatment of hair loss. This is why we have developed a very sophisticated diagnostic system for hair loss, the Unique Diagnostic System for Alopecia (UDSA).
Treatment for hair loss Panama
Direct Hair Implantation
The Direct Hair Implantation Method is the latest revolutionary DHI technique. Our goal is plain and simple – Apply the latest, most advanced innovations in hair implantation technology to give you healthy, natural looking hair.
Micro Pigmentation (MPG)
Direct MPG is the process of getting ink marks on your scalp that look like tiny hairs; a technique known as ‘Cosmetic Hair Follicle replication’. It is not a tattoo, nor a form of cosmetic makeup.
PRP Growth Factors
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a safe new hair restoration program which is performed at DHI by specialized practitioners with no side effects. The PRP treatment takes place via intradermal insertions of plasma into the scalp; with the objective of stimulating the scalp to support new growth.