Hair Loss Treatments in Panama
Identifying the most effective hair loss treatments in Panama can be an extremely difficult task. There are hundreds of products that claim to prevent and reverse hair loss so for somebody with no prior knowledge, it can be quite confusing as well as a long and difficult process to find an effective solution, by which time your hair could have deteriorated further.
Why genetic male pattern hair loss takes place
When dihydrotestosterone’ (DHT) is formed and attaches itself to the hair follicles under the epidermis of the head, causing them to continually shrink with every growth cycle. This causes the hair to gradually become thinner until the follicles finally turns into a Telogen Effluvium phase and hair no longer grows. These symptoms of hair loss are mostly found in men between the ages of 18 and thirty five, for whom it is normal to see high levels of testosterone.
What Hair Loss Treatments in Panama are the Best Option for you?
Hair loss sufferers will invariably do their homework in order to decide upon their best options for treatment. And where to get that treatment. But they must also become familiar with the criteria that can help them make an informed decision.
This will empower hair loss sufferers not just to choose the best hair loss treatments, but also the best medical hair restoration company to provide the optimum diagnosis and treatment plan.
The hair restoration industry has come a long way since the era of punch grafts plugs and conventional FUT surgery, where a strip of skin is removed from the back of the head in order to harvest hair follicles to transplant.
These procedures are now archaic and have been superseded by FUE (follicular unit extraction), Direct Hair Implantation method, PRP (plasma rich platelets), Scalp Micropigmentation, as well as new supportive natural products.
DHI Medical Group has set up a Total Care System with procedures and protocols which provides for the life lasting hair loss treatments needed.
Contact DHI Panama today for a consultation on hair loss treatments in Panama