The psychological aspects of hair loss in women in Panamá.
Hair loss in women has many possible causes, including genetics, an underactive thyroid, cancer treatments, or medications for other health conditions. And for many people, hair loss (alopecia) or thinning hair can result in a loss of self-esteem and cause depression, anxiety, and other emotional issues.
Why is hair loss so devastating to men and women in Panamá?
It’s mostly cultural, physicians say. Almost every society in the world associates luxurious hair with youth, beauty, and good health. “For centuries, humans have adorned themselves in a variety of ways — tattooing, nail cosmetics, and most universally, hairstyles of all sorts,” says Robert T. Brodell, MD, professor of internal medicine of the dermatology section at Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine in Warren, Ohio. “For many people, their hair is what makes them feel beautiful.” When you lose your hair — for whatever reason, it can be devastating, says Dr. Brodell.
Professor of Psychiatry in the University of Athens, Charalambos Papageorgiou, talks about the psychological aspects of hair loss and his cooperation with the DHI Global Medical Group.

“In order to provide the best possible diagnostic and therapeutic treatment of the psychological factor wich the scientific community recognizes as playing a vital role both in hair loss, as well as in the therapeutic outcome achieved by hair implantation.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has concluded that heath is not only the absence of pain and disability events which, in the broad sense of the word, accompany our hair loss comrades and for this reason, they seek specialized help. But, health is the search and acquisition of the soul events which we believe in”
Confidence is an incredibly powerful emotion.
It plays a crucial role in decision making and can also mean the difference between landing that job or business deal you’ve been working on. Whether it’s a social or professional situation, first impressions count. To see each one of our clients come in and to follow their hair loss journey is something that is really special to us. We don’t save people’s lives, but we do change them.
DHI offer the most advanced, least invasive and gentle hair transplant in Panama with short recovery time and the highest density to give you healthy, natural looking hair.
At DHI Panama Medical Group we recognise that the correct diagnosis is the basis for your successful and permanent treatment.
All DHI sessions are performed from start to finish by medical doctors, trained and certified by London Hair Restoration Academy. The Direct Hair ImplantationTM technique allows full control over the depth, direction and angle of each implanted hair. You can expect natural and undetectable results. Book your diagnosis today, CLICK HERE.