

A Hair Transplant or Hair Restoration procedure is performed by harvesting or extracting the healthy and most viable genetically resistant hair follicles from the donor area of the scalp. The hair follicles are then reinserted into the scalp of the patient’s head suffering from androgenetic alopecia most commonly known as Male Pattern Baldness.

What is the donor area and where is located?

The donor area is the part of the head were the most viable genetically resistant hair follicles to the (DHT) hormone, is located. This hormone is one of the main causes for hair loss. These hair follicles are located on the back and the lateral sides of the head.
Thanks to this particularity in the DNA of these follicles located in the back of the head (donor area), the transplanted hair will grow naturally and permanently throughout a person’s lifetime.


DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) is an innovative technique used exclusively by DHI Panama in all our Hair Transplant procedures. The DHI Technique has the most natural results, with one of the highest viability and success rate (up to 97%), in the industry of Hair Transplants. By using the DHI Technique, this offers patients a very high yielding density in almost every procedure, depending on the patient’s donor area.

How is a DHI Technique performed?

By using the DHI Technique, the follicles are extracted one by one from the donor area, and then the hair follicles are implanted one by one directly into the area that is suffering from Male Pattern Baldness most commonly known as androgenetic alopecia.
With the help of our especially designed exclusive DHI implantation tool, each follicle is placed in a specific direction, angle, and depth, which allows the certified doctor to implant the hair follicles with a much higher density and complete control. This method guarantees that the implanted hair follicles will continue to grow natural looking throughout a lifetime, and will not fall out.




FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction, or FUT sometimes referred to as a Follicular Unit Transplantation). Is a type of hair transplant surgery that involves extracting individual hair follicles from the donor area located on the lateral sides and back of the head, which then is implanted into the scalp where the hair is missing, typically with men or women suffering from male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia).



FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant also known as Strip Excision or Strip Removal), this involves the removal of an entire strip of skin and hair from the donor area from the back of the head, usually from ear to ear creating a linear scar once it is sutured and healed.

How does an FUE procedure work?

An FUE procedure is performed by using a micro surgical needle called a punch, which has a hollow tip that can range from 1.1mm to 0.6mm at the opening; this allows the certified doctor to extract one graft at a time. During this process, an individual follicle can have between one and four hairs. These grafts are then, extracted from the donor area under a local anesthesia. Once the harvesting of the donor area is finished, slits or punctures are created to the recipient area that is balding. The follicles are then, reinserted into the scalp area that need to be covered.

Does a FUE leaves a Scar?

FUE does not leave a scar, but does leave tiny round spaces anywhere from 0.6mm to 1.1mm at each puncture point. This depending on the quality and diameter of the patient’s hair, these scars are not easy to see, however thousands of extraction punctures in the donor area are made over a wide area in order to harvest the required number.


The FUT method is performed by removing a strip of skin from the back of the head that contains hundreds or thousands of hair grafts from the donor area.

Once the strip of skin containing the grafts is been removed, then it is further processed by taking individual grafts, which are then separated under a microscope and sometimes dissected in preparation for transplantation. Although the FUT technique is out dated and is very painful, there are clinics that still insist on performing it.

Does an FUT leaves a Scar?

The FUT method does leaves a linear scar, and in most cases, from ear to ear on the back-donor area of the head where the strip was surgically cut and removed.


Hair Loss

Here at DHI Global Medical Group we recognize that the correct diagnosis is the basis for a successful treatment. We are the best hair restoration clinic in Panama.

+507 399 6633