Capillary Surgery Panama
The Capillary Surgery Panama is done in a single day and the next day you can go back to work
Capillary Surgery Panama
Our goal is plain and simple – Apply the latest, most advanced innovations in hair implantation technology to give you healthy, natural looking hair.
The latest revolutionary DHI technique eliminates the use of scalpels and best of all the procedure is virtually pain free. You will experience wonderful natural results in just one visit to one of our DHI Medical Group Clinic in Panama.
Once the procedure is completed, new hair continues to grow naturally for life. The main aim of this new, advanced technique is to increase the survival and growth of the hair follicles by diminishing their handling and the time they stay out of the skin.
World Leader in Hair Restoration
DHI are the world leader in hair restoration, With 47 years experience and 74 clinics around the world,
We provide hair transplants to men and women who suffer from hair loss. Our Direct Hair Transplantation technique is considered by many to be the most advanced method available yet.
Absolutely Natural Results for Lifetime
With Direct hair implantation (DHI) hair follicles are implanted one by one directly to the thinning area that needs to be covered. Each hair follicle is placed in a specific direction, angle and depth, thanks to the DHI’s unique tools, providing 100% natural results and maximum density. The minimally invasive procedure is painless, and recovery is rapid. The hair growth is visible within 2 months and full growth of hair happen in 8-9 months. The implanted hairs continue to grow throughout a person’s lifetime and do not fall.
At DHI each MD Dermatologist doctor and assistant is extensively trained on the ‘DHI Total Care System’ and certified by London Hair Restoration Academy. All procedures are performed end to end by MD Dermatologist doctors only.
Answer to commonly asked questions about Capillary Surgery Panama
- Thanks to the new protocols, shaving the head prior to the procedure is not required in many cases.
- DHI treatments is suitable for male and female patients
- In most cases, patients can return to work the next day after the session.
- Cardio exercise and swimming can be resumed two weeks after the session, while intense exercise, like weight lifting etc. can be resumed after four weeks.
- In extreme hair loss cases and when hair on the back of the head is not enough to cover the recipient area, it is possible to use facial and body hair.
- 100% results take up to twelve months, visible results can be seen in two months
- Unlike FUE and FUT with DHI there is no need to create incisions in the recipient area. DHI uses a proprietary implanter to directly implant hair follicles.