The consumption of cigarettes in Panama is intimately linked to hair loss

The consumption of cigarettes in Panama is intimately linked to hair loss and is proven to be a big problem in public health, among many consequences it causes capillary health problems that can cause hair loss in men and women.

There are few health problems that are not directly linked to tobacco, however, much of the public is unaware of the effects it causes on hair health.

For smokers it is recommended to give the hair daily care such as taking foods rich in vitamin C. The relationship between tobacco and hair loss is proven that its consumption can cause the loss of vitality of the hair, dryness of the cuticle, and a greater fragility of the hair fiber. Since the smoke causes damage to the microcirculation of the hair follicles of the scalp, preventing the necessary nutrients from reaching and altering the correct hair formation.

On the other hand, the harmful substances of tobacco alter the production of estrogens, favoring hair loss, and promote the premature aging of the skin, including that of the scalp. This habit restricts the ability to transport oxygen through the blood.

No doubt from where you look it is very important to consider leaving the habit as soon as possible. For more information about our treatments for hair loss you can visit: DHI Panama Hair Transplant.